I hope you are having a great time with the scavenger hunt, and that you are finding some great reads! Please welcome Anna Silver, author of ASTRAL TIDE.
There's a lot of hype these days about twisted, or retold, fairy tales. A prime example of this would be CINDER by Marissa Meyer. And while I'm not the type to jump on the bandwagon, especially when it comes to literary trends--because yesterday's bandwagon quickly becomes today's hearse, I've begun a new novel which I am toying with the notion of weaving into a twisted fairy tale.

I know what you're thinking. And no, this was not Maleficent inspired. Okay, maybe it was a little Maleficent inspired.
But my setting would Sci-Fi and the genre is YA. And I have no intention of pulling a CINDER and writing about sleeping androids. In fact, there won't even be a character for the witch as you expect, because as I said, it would almost be more symbolic than a literal retelling.
Anyway, all of this is to say, how do you feel about twisted and retold fairy tales? Are they still in? Are they on their way out already? Is it even worth pitching as a retelling if the correlations are more implied than literal? And, above all, what are your fave twisted or retold fairy tales, so the rest of us can run out and read them?

Best of luck to all of you and thanks for reading!!!
Astral Return
Otherborn, #3
has been pushed to her limits. She’s lost the people she cares about most, been
forced into a fugitive’s life bouncing from camp to camp in the Outroads beyond
the safety and shelter of the walled cities, and even found herself at the very
edge of the Astral when confronted by Avery and the Tycoons after escaping the
Ward. But nothing has prepared her for waking up in New Eden.
Life in the Tycoons’ settlement is supposed to be paradise,
but forLondon ,
Elias, and the rest of the Otherborn in Tycoon custody, it’s nothing short of
hell. About the only thing going forLondon is
her reunion withRye .
But with Zen captured too, her heart is more torn than ever.
but for
Elias, and the rest of the Otherborn in Tycoon custody, it’s nothing short of
hell. About the only thing going for
her reunion with
But with Zen captured too, her heart is more torn than ever.
In New Eden, the Otherborn are subject to Avery’s deranged
experiments as the Astral Return wreaks havoc in the rest of the world. And the
stronger it grows, the more desperate the Tycoons become. Caught in the middle,
London is
growing less worried about saving the world and more worried about saving
herself and her friends. Will the Astral’s new beginning be their end?
experiments as the Astral Return wreaks havoc in the rest of the world. And the
stronger it grows, the more desperate the Tycoons become. Caught in the middle,
growing less worried about saving the world and more worried about saving
herself and her friends. Will the Astral’s new beginning be their end?
Here's the schedule for the EuphorYA Scavenger Hunt. Each blog stop features exclusive content from one of our authors as well as a giveaway. Collect the blue / red / pink colored words to make the daily secret phrases. Then enter for your chance to win the Grand Prize Giveaway--$75 Amazon / Nook gift card (first prize only), books and swag (first, second and third prizes).
Day One Stops, Friday ,June 20 - Blue Phrase
Anna Silver | Chloe Jacob's World | Elana Johnson | Books By Intisar | Ali Cross
Day Two Stops, Saturday, June 21 - Red Phrase
Elisabeth Wheatley | T.L. Shreffler | RaShelle Workman | Kelly Walker | Hannah L. Clark |
Christy Dorrity
Day Three Stops, Sunday, June 22 - Pink Phrase
Rhiannon Hart | Natasha Hanova | Tracy E. Banghart | Kaitlyn Deann | Jadie Jones
a Rafflecopter giveaway